Friday, May 17, 2013

Day 3

Day 2

If i had a million dollars i would do so many things.  I think the first thing i would do is buy a nice house and furniture and a HUGE t.v.  Then i would buy all the junk food and a lot of jello.  After that i would buy my girlfriend Hollie whatever she wants.  All the clothes and colorful socks she wants.  Then i would buy a motorcycle and a nice car.  Then of course i would save some and put it in the bank and hopefully live a pretty good life after that.  If i had a million dollars my life would be so great.  Maybe i will find a million dollars laying on the ground someday, who knows ??

Day 1

Hi, my name is Brian and this i am going to blog about everyday things i do and things i like etc.  One day you might see a funny picture i like, or maybe my favorite music video.   I don't really have a theme im going for or but im doing this blog for school so it will be appropriate for all ages.  I will try my best to entertain everyone that reads my blog.  I think im a pretty funny and entertaining person so  i think i will be a very succesfull blogger.I am going to blog everyday and i hope everyone enjoys every single one of my blogs.